Forecasting the Intersection of AI, Media, and News for 2024

In 2024, the realm of information will witness the influential force of artificial intelligence (AI) amid a backdrop of global political and economic turbulence. With pivotal elections in over 40 democracies and persistent conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, the impact on information reliability and the sustainability of mainstream media is poised to be significant. Forecasts indicating that the majority of internet content might be synthetically generated by 2026 add urgency for journalists and news organizations to reassess their roles and objectives.

AI’s impact extends beyond content creation to distribution mechanisms. The emergence of Search Generative Experiences (SGE) and AI-driven chatbots promises faster, more intuitive access to information online. As referral traffic from platforms like Facebook and X (previously Twitter) continues to decline, established news sites face additional challenges in audience engagement and revenue generation. Publishers, optimistic about breaking reliance on tech giants, seek direct connections with loyal consumers, possibly resorting to content barriers and legal protection for intellectual property, despite the risk of alienating younger, less educated audiences already comfortable with AI-generated news.

However, amidst this transformative landscape, the report highlights inspiring adaptations by news organizations worldwide. Navigating AI’s potential while managing its risks will be the underlying narrative shaping the year ahead.

Insights from a survey of over 300 digital leaders across 50+ countries shed light on industry perspectives. Approximately 47% of editors, CEOs, and digital executives express confidence in journalism’s prospects for the upcoming year. Concerns revolve around escalating expenses, diminishing advertising revenue, sluggish subscription growth, and escalating legal and physical threats. Nevertheless, there’s optimism that fiercely contested elections might momentarily bolster interest in news consumption, despite potential impacts on trust.