Fields West Bar & Restaurant temporarily closes, citing the economic climate as its main reason

ALLSTON, MA – Fields West Bar and Restaurant announced yesterday that it had made the tough decision to temporarily close. This was mentioned in a post on their Instagram page which went through the details in further detail. Despite the abrupt news, it should be stressed that the statement made it clear that this move was temporary. However, a return date was not given which means that this could rumble on deep into the new year.

The announcement thanked customers for their loyalty as well as the staff for their dedication. Here, the statement started by saying: ‘The ongoing challenges in the current economic climate, combined with recent setbacks regarding us seeking a live entertainment license, have led us to temporarily close our doors. We want to address the updates that need to be made to the space in order to obtain an entertainment license for us to be the restaurant that we had envisioned for the community.’

This eatery was founded in 2019, and offers a variety of dishes ranging from chicken tenders to the Blue Note sandwich, and also serves up tasty sides like buttermilk ranch. Known for its creative and hearty American and bar food, as well as its selection of nigiri and sashimi, it also has a number of different alcoholic beverages.