Discover the 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Knox County, Maine

Knox County, Maine, boasts stunning coastal scenery and a rich history, attracting both residents and visitors. However, like any diverse region, safety levels vary across different locations. This report examines five areas within the county with notably higher crime rates, aiming to inform both residents and visitors about potential risks and encourage proactive measures.

Data from reliable sources like Best Places, Neighborhoodscout, and Homefacts was utilized to assess crime rates across Knox County. The analysis focuses on the years 2019 and 2012, providing a comprehensive picture of recent trends.

A view of Main Street, Rckland
  1. Rockland: This largest city exhibits the highest overall crime rate, with 56.1 serious crimes and 1,655.4 property crimes per 1,000 residents in 2019. Compared to state and national averages, this rate is significantly higher.
  2. Thomaston: While violent crime is uncommon here, property crime reaches a concerning 2,349.1 per 1,000 residents in 2019, exceeding state and national odds by more than double.
  3. Rockport: Despite a low violent crime rate (29.6 per 1,000 residents in 2019), property crime remains moderate at 532.9 per 1,000 residents.
  4. Camden: Renowned for its beauty and vibrant arts scene, Camden boasts the lowest property crime rate in the county (62.2 per 1,000 residents in 2019) and no reported violent crime in 2019. However, it surpasses the safety standards of some of Maine’s safest towns.
  5. Lincolnville: This small town exhibits a similar pattern, with no reported violent crime in 2012 and a property crime rate of 1,293.9 per 1,000 residents, exceeding state and national averages but remaining lower than other Knox County areas.


While these areas exhibit higher crime rates than other parts of the county and state, it’s important to note that none are considered inherently dangerous. However, responsible awareness remains vital for residents and visitors alike. By understanding potential risks and taking proactive measures like staying informed, practicing vigilance, and reporting suspicious activity, individuals can contribute to a safer community environment.