2 Amy’s Pizzeria wins praise after ditching tip line

Washington, D.C – Popular Italian restaurant 2 Amy’s has recently received high praise online after a photograph of their tipping policy went viral. Here, they referenced their tipping strategy, menu prices, and stance on bringing dogs into the venue. As these policies were deemed fair, it’s understandable that they were viewed favorably by the public.

Specifically, part of the 2 Amy’s statement wrote: ‘All our pricing includes hospitality, there is no tip line on our credit card receipts, we don’t care to send an unclear message. In our view, it’s time to pay restaurant workers as the professional people they are, and to remove the power to punish and reward.’ The full statement can be seen below in further detail.


This policy reflects the changing restaurant culture in Washington, D.C. after the introduction of Initiative 82 last year. Also known as “The Washington DC Minimum Wage Amendment,” has been a hot topic in the District of Columbia since its implementation in January 2023. The controversial measure was approved by voters in 2022 and aims to gradually increase the minimum wage for tipped workers to match the standard minimum wage over the course of several years.

The image above was shared on Reddit where users praised 2 Amy’s for their stance on tips. Here, others also complimented the food and ambiance of the restaurant, which has been ever-present in the city for over 20 years.